On behalf of the Governing Body of Knightwood Primary School, I would like to welcome you to the governors’ section of the school’s website. On these pages we hope to provide you with information about who we are and explain about our role in supporting Mrs Clark and the staff to provide the best possible education for Knightwood’s pupils.
The governing body is made up of a group of volunteers and includes staff, parents, and members from the local community. We bring a mixture of experience and skills, together with a commitment to promote high educational standards and ensure that pupils’ safety and well-being is at the centre of all we do. You can find more information about each of us below.
Governors are not responsible for the day-to-day management of the school, but help set its long-term vision, direction and ethos. Our principal responsibilities are, therefore:
· to set the school’s strategic direction
· to hold the headteacher and senior leadership team to account
· to oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that money is well spent.
We carry out these tasks in a number of ways, including:
· through meetings of the governing body, which take place at least three times a term;
· by undertaking focussed visits to the school, during which we can meet with staff, observe lessons and ask questions
· by taking on responsibility for monitoring particular areas of the school’s work (such as safeguarding, e-safety or specific curriculum subjects)
· by approving and reviewing the various policies that the school puts in place
We too are “Always Learning”, with governors attending training sessions arranged by Hampshire County Council or keeping up to date through newsletters and guidance from the Council and the Department for Education.
We are always keen to hear from those interested in joining us. From time to time there will be the opportunity for parents to seek election as parent governors. We also welcome approaches from members of the wider community interested in being appointed as co-opted governors.
When vacancies arise, they will be advertised [on these pages/on the website]. But if, at any time, you are interested in joining us, or know of someone else who is, please don’t hesitate to contact either myself – or our Clerk, Diane Reavey—through the school office.
You will find more information about the governing body below including data about our interests and attendance which we are required to publish. However, if you have any questions or would like any more information about us, please get in touch via the school office on 023 8026 1900
Michael Mullen
Chair of Governors
Royston Black - Local authority governor
I have lived in Knightwood for nearly ten years and have been on Knightwood School Governing Board since 2019. I have two daughters, both of whom have attended Knightwood. I work in management consultancy in the energy industry in my day job and enjoy music and golf for hobbies.
Nick Hutton - Parent Governor
I was elected as a parent governor in November 2023. My son is currently in Year 3. In my employment I have two part-time roles. I am a senior lecturer in primary education at Winchester University and I am also a School Games Organiser for the South Eastleigh and Winchester network of schools. I am passionate about education and keen to ensure a positive learning experience for my son and all other children at the school in the years ahead. My main responsibilities within the Governing Body are Early Career Teachers and the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Laura Burnett - Co-opted Governor
I have been a parent governor since February 2024. My daughter has recently started Knightwood in Year 1 so I am fairly new to the school. I am a secondary school teacher and pastoral lead at a local independent school and am interested in facilitating the best educational experience for all. I understand the value of a strong parent and school relationship and look forward to working with all the Knightwood staff.
Andrew Harnell - Co-opted Governor
As a retired teacher, I have first-hand knowledge and experience of working in a school environment. The last 24 years of my career were spent in primary education. I joined the governing body in March 2024 and am keen to offer my support in the aim of helping every child to thrive at Knightwood Primary School.
Angela Camerlingo - Parent Governor
I have been a parent governor since June 2021. I became interested in the role as I am passionate about the education of our children and believe that all children deserve the best opportunity to thrive at school regardless of their abilities and background.
I am an Electronics Engineer with a Ph.D. in Optoelectronics and currently work as a Technical Project Manager for a laser manufacturing company in Southampton. Data analysis, change management and innovation are the heart of my daily job and I am keen to build on my skills to fulfill my role as a Parent Governor.
My main responsibilities within the Governing Body are Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Reading and Phonics in Key Stage 1 and EAL.
Joanne Marris - Co-opted Governor
Having been a primary school teacher for the last 18 years, I understand the importance of a governing board and the key role they play in supporting a school as well as working in a school environment. Currently, I am an assistant head at an Infant and Nursery school and teach Year 2 which I still enjoy every day. I live in the local area and joined the board in June 2024 and am keen to work closely with pupils, staff and the governors to help every child at Knightwood thrive.
Michael Mullen - Co-opted Governor
I joined the Governing Body at Knightwood Primary School in March 2024. I became interested in the role following 15 years in the world of education and wanting to expand my professional understanding of school governance. I have lived in the local area for nearly 10 years now and am passionate about ensuring that Knightwood provides the best possible learning experience for its children and that it continues to be a place where children feel safe and want to come to. By day, I am still a practising teacher, currently working in the hospital education system at Southampton General.
Emma Clark - Headteacher
I joined Knightwood in September 2023 and I enjoy working with the governors to make sure our children have the best possible education. I have a very child-centred and inclusive outlook and have enjoyed working in Hampshire for the last ten years.
Rebecca Rowe - Co-opted Governor
I am a staff governor at Knightwood Primary school. I have taught at Knightwood for 11 years and am now part of the senior leadership team in the school. I am very proud to be a member of the Knightwood community and enjoy working alongside the other governors.
Rebecca Holmes - Staff Governor
I am a staff governor and have been teaching at Knightwood Primary School for 10 years. I am currently teaching in Year 6 and am also Key Stage 2 lead. I love teaching at Knightwood and working with the governors to make Knightwood the best school possible