Children at Knightwood have freedom to explore colour, light, pattern, artists and architects. We encourage them to grow in confidence to express themselves through art and be able to reflect and celebrate their own and others’ successes.
Through a carefully planned and sequenced curriculum, children at Knightwood are able to explore different media and techniques so they can reflect on their own creativity in artwork. Children will learn, respond to and be inspired by a range of artists, architects, craftsmen and designers. They will learn skills in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques. Our curriculum will also ensure that children understand the visual concepts of art and design (line, tone, texture, colour, pattern, shape, 3D form). These will be developed by providing an accessible and engaging curriculum drawing upon art from around the world.
At Knightwood, we follow the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum which has been developed by experts in their field. This knowledge-rich curriculum allows pupils to learn a wide range of skills, developing understanding as well as clear progression throughout KS1 and KS2. Through the sequenced learning journeys, we promote positive experiences for children to have creative freedom to find new ways to express themselves as artists - we are artists!
Teachers use a range of diverse resources and stimuli e.g. images, music, paintings, sculpture and the natural world to inspire and enthuse. Teachers are knowledgeable and will model skills, allowing children to experiment so that they can make individual and creative choices. Pedagogy and subject knowledge is supported through AccessArt ensuring that expectations are high and outcomes ambitious.
Responses, experimentation and reflections are recorded within a child’s sketchbook which captures their journey as an artist.
Children have a great enthusiasm for art and love to share what they are creating. They are proud of their final pieces and their individuality. They also can talk confidently and reflect on the art learning journey and about artists studied and the new skills they have acquired.
Teachers use assessment for learning to adapt plans and skills required to ensure art is accessible for all. Impact is measured through a range of methods including discussion with children, sketchbooks and final pieces.
Art is shared and celebrated in displays and with peers.