The school positively encourages the wearing of its uniform, and for many years has been grateful to receive total support from parents, the PTA and Governors in implementing this policy. The aim is to keep the uniform simple in order to minimise cost. The uniform gives the children and the school a strong sense of identity, which we believe is important.
This policy has been reviewed in accordance with the ‘Cost of school uniforms’ statutory guidance published in November 2021. We want our uniform to be affordable for all parents.
The following factors were considered when reviewing the policy:
An adaptation to the uniform listed below will, of course, be allowed for any pupil who is unable to comply for cultural or religious reasons. In these circumstances parents are asked to consult with the Headteacher in order to establish a sensible compromise.
Knightwood School Uniform - (please note the items do not need to be branded)
The school colours are royal blue, gold/yellow, grey
For PE:
All in a named draw string bag
Reception children will need a PE kit starting from the second half of the Autumn Term.
School Bags:
The children bring very little to school other than books and a packed lunch. Year R children are provided with book bags and these are used throughout Key Stage 1. When the children start Key Stage 2 (year 3) they sometimes like to change to a back pack. Please note that these need to be small enough to fit into a locker (which will also house their PE kit and coat)
Marking Property:
Please mark all garments and footwear boldly with your child’s name. This is a great time saver when things go missing, and name labels are checked termly. Lost property is kept at school for a short period of time. Unclaimed items may be retained to be sold by the second-hand stall or at jumble sales.
Our uniform Stockists
Our main supplier is Skoolkit in Eastleigh.
02380 651278
Uniform can be bought in store or ordered on line via the link below
Other Uniform Stockists
The Knightwood School Association regularly sell quality second hand uniform to raise funds for our school.
It is acceptable for parents to purchase uniform from other stockists, however we request that all colours match school colours as much as possible.